product name: TYW no heat regeneration compressed air dryer
Product number:SN20170829145351515
Update time:2017-08-29
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working principle
TYW heatless regenerative dryer is based on the principle of pressure swing adsorption of compressed air drying equipment, pressurized state adsorption of compressed air in the air, so that compressed air until dry, decompression with a portion of the dry compressed air purge Adsorbent, the adsorbent to regeneration, the two towers alternating with each other, recycled to get dry compressed air. According to the different dew point of compressed air pressure, choose different adsorbents, commonly used adsorbents are activated alumina, molecular sieve and so on.
Technical Data Sheet
Set the automatic pressure, pressure process steps, reducing the impact of air flow on the adsorbent.
Flange filling port and discharge port, easy to replace desiccant.
Scientific flow rate design, the choice of high-quality adsorbent to ensure that the product gas dew point stability.
Special gas distributor to ensure uniform air distribution, the compressed air and adsorbent full contact, to prevent adsorption "dead ends" and "tunnel effect" produced.
Germany's Siemens PLC program controller, liquid crystal display, user-friendly design, touch-type buttons, and adjust the work under the conditions of regeneration time.
Drying and regeneration status display.
Control of air supply leads from the dry air outlet of the adsorption tower, to avoid oil and water pollution control valves and gas lines to prevent valve rust and gas blocked.
Quality control components to ensure long-term reliable operation of equipment.
High-quality pneumatic valve switch quickly and efficiently durable.